Kinesiology Tape Rayon
Kinesiology Tape Rayon
Whether you're an athlete with sore muscles or a patient suffering from an injury, your physical therapist may recommend kinesiology tape to support joints and reduce pain.kinesiology tape rayon While there are many benefits to this type of athletic tape, it's important to understand how it works and how to use it properly. Here are some things to keep in mind if you're considering trying kinesiology tape rayon.
Kinesiology tape, also called elastic therapeutic tape or K-tape, is lengthwise elastic adhesive tape with a medical-grade acrylic adhesive that's typically made from cotton.kinesiology tape rayon It's designed to mimic the skin's elasticity so you can move your joints through their full range of motion. It can also help alleviate pain caused by injuries and other conditions, including arthritis, carpal tunnel syndrome and back problems. It's latex-free, hypoallergenic and can be worn by anyone.
The main reason kinesiology tape is effective is because it lifts the skin, which decompresses the tissues beneath it. This can change the signals sent from those tissues to your brain, which can decrease the tension and inflammation in those areas. In addition, kinesiology tape can stimulate blood flow and increase lymph flow to encourage healing and prevent re-injury.
There are many different brands of kinesiology tape available, and each one has its own unique qualities and functions. Some are designed to be stretchy, while others have more of a skin-friendly adhesive. Kinesio tape is an example of the former, and it comes in a wide variety of colors and designs.
Rayon fabric sports tape is smoother, softer and gentler to the skin than pure cotton muscle tape. It can be stretched well in four directions and fits the body's curves better, making it more comfortable to wear. The tape is also breathable and sweat-resistant. It can be used for up to eight days without loosing its elasticity or irritating the skin.
It's important to note that kinesiology tape should only be applied on healthy skin. It should not be used if you have open wounds, an active infection or other contraindications such as deep vein thrombosis (DVT), lymph node removal or cancer. It's also best to apply it on a warm, dry surface.
It's also essential to know that if you apply the tape incorrectly, it could lead to permanent damage. For instance, if you put it on too tightly, it might restrict blood circulation and cause nerve irritation. It's important to see a physical therapist who is trained in kinesiology taping and can show you the proper way to apply it. It's also important to avoid applying it on any sensitive areas, such as fragile skin or the area around a cut or bruise.
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