
Zinc Oxide Sport Tape Rayon

Zinc Oxide Sport Tape Rayon

  • Monday, 06 January 2025
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Zinc Oxide Sport Tape Rayon

Zinc oxide tape is a common item in most well-stocked first aid kits or sports physiotherapy treatment bags.zinc oxide sport tape rayon A key component of effective sports taping, it is used to support muscles or help immobilise joints - and it can also be used preventatively to stop injuries such as sprains from occurring.

Unlike many other forms of adhesive strapping tape, premium zinc oxide sport tape rayon is made from a breathable material that is designed to be comfortable to wear and tear without scissors. Its breathability makes it a popular choice for wrapping blisters or verrucas, protecting them from contact and helping them heal faster.

Like all adhesive tapes, correct preparation of the skin is essential to ensure it sticks reliably. The area needs to be clean, dry and free from any oils or creams. Similarly, hair should be shaved or at least closely trimmed as it interferes with the bonding process and can make removal of the tape quite painful.

Regardless of the type of tape you are using, it is essential to avoid creating any tension or pressure on the skin as this can cut off circulation and lead to damage to the area. Zinc oxide tape is non elastic and provides little or no stretch, so it is important not to apply it too tightly or you could risk cutting off blood flow to the affected area. Instead, tape should be applied in a strip-by-strip fashion and if possible, always wrap limbs in a circular motion to allow the natural blood flow around the body.

The main reason people use zinc oxide tape is to treat and prevent soft tissue sports injuries such as sprains and strains. It can be used to strap up injured limbs or joints to limit movement, for example, an ankle sprain, or to prevent sore feet and hands when participating in high friction activities or sports by preventing rubbing.

It is also often used to protect wounds, abrasions and cuts, as it can be used to cover grazes or to protect an open fracture site. It is also popular for taping areas prone to chafing such as the wrists and knees in order to protect them from friction or rubbing.

Alternatives to zinc oxide tape include kinesiology and micropore tape, all of which offer different qualities depending on the individual user's requirements. Kinesiology tape, for instance, is designed to lift the top layer of the skin, allowing a microscopic space to be created between the skin and the tissue beneath, helping aid circulation. These types of tapes can be more flexible than zinc oxide tape but are not suitable for supporting or immobilising joints, as they lack the rigidity and strength required.

Alternatively, our premium tan zinc oxide sports tape is a versatile option that can be used to treat or prevent a range of sporting injuries. Available in a variety of widths and lengths, it is an excellent addition to any sports medicine or first aid kit.

Tags:kinesiology tape | kinesiology tape rayon | sock tape

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